Best Way To Clean A White Down Comforter. The best way to clean a Down Comforter. Washing them is best vs. dry cleaning them.
The down filling in comforters and quilts is held in place by tufts of yarn or by stitched-through patterns. You can absolutely wash your down comforter sans the pros. All you need is a mild detergent, and a few hours spent at the laundromat.
Test comforters and quilts for colorfastness by wetting an inconspicuous spot with the detergent solution you plan to use and blotting the area with a white blotter.
If your white down comforter is starting to look a little yellow or gray, you can wash it with some non chlorine bleach.
Duvet covers are much Check the comforter for stains and spot clean if necessary once or twice a year. Many comforters come with a label directing you to have the blanket professionally laundered. Washing your down comforter, whether duck down or goose down, can ensure a long life with your treasured friend.
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